Sunday, 6 December 2009

Typographical ads

Out of all the media that brands use to advertise, I always had a soft corner for the print medium. It just requires more brilliance and lateral thinking to grab and then hold the reader's attention long enough to get across a message in one page. Also, it gives the reader their own time to connect with the ad in the way they want to or dont want to. And this creates a much bigger impact than a television ad.

Traditionally, print ads have been about the headline, the sub-headline and the body copy, with a picture in it. But, the ads that grab attention fastest are the ones with bold typography. Once, you have the attention, it is the job of the creative to hold and get the message across.

Below are a few ads which have done this brilliantly. You really should see all of these awesome typographical ads.

Posted via email from Aditya's Blog

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