Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Lost in transactions

It is that time of the year, when all the conversations are about slots, packages, profiles and locations. You keep hearing terms like PPT, JD, CTC, LPA etc. This is the time that students across the country go to B-schools for. All their effort, right from the time they started preparing for their battery of entrance exams till they gave the last of their submissions in college, boils down to this. Or so they believe.

Yes, the first job out of a B-school is extremely important. This is the first step of your new and hopefully successful management career and you do not want to get it wrong. But, what is right? I understand that this is a totally subjective question and cannot and will not be the same for everyone. But you can generalise at some point, can't you? Generally, people worry about package quite a bit; quite a bit more than they are supposed to. This is usually the priority for a lot of people, and I don't agree with that.

I have always believed, that if you do what you want to do, do what you would love doing and do what you see yourself doing forever, money will never be lacking. I might sound philosophical, but I do believe that you loving what you do is important. The logic is, if you love whatever you are doing, you will be best at doing that, and no one can not pay the best. This logic is believe has been lost in the cacophony of transactions.

I know I could have done a better job at writing this down. But maybe I am not really loving it that much at present.

Posted via web from Aditya's Blog

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