Thursday, 7 May 2009

Mumbaites making Mumbai Shanghai

In an unprecedented initiative, the citizens of Mumbai have taken upon themselves to make sure that Mumbai becomes Shanghai.

Over the past few years, the promise that every administrator made was to convert Mumbai into Shanghai. All this while, these have just remained promises. But now, the citizens of the Maximum City have resolved that they will not let the ineptitude and inefficiency of the administrators discourage them. The people have now taken matters into their own hands.

The citizens know that Rome was not built in a day and this applies to Shanghai too. The masses have realised that one of the major things that differentiates both the countries is the Government by itself. More importantly, the way in which the Government is formed. The people of Shanghai have absolutely no say in who governs them. This seems to work for them. The citizens of Mumbai are trying to do that as well. Atleast 57% of Mumbai is trying their best.

If one looks at the trend in detail, one can see that this has been an attempt since more than a decade now. The voter turnout dipped to a low of 41.43 percent in 1991, but climbed to 45.90 percent in 1996 and 50.26 percent in 1998. The figure again nosedived to 44.86 percent in 1999 and then touched 47.15 percent in 2004 showing that people who do not want the progress of the city and this country still vote. But this year more have adopted the progressive mindset and decided to not vote, bringing the voter turnout to a whopping 41.24%!

This strategy was noticed by various NGOs, the media and various celebrities. They realised that they will be strangled and have no freedom at all if Mumbai becomes Shanghai and selfishly released campaigns encouraging people to vote. But finally, we, the people prevailed. The day is now not far when we can proudly say we are similar to Shanghai atleast in one aspect!

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