Saturday, 9 December 2006

Time!!!! or rather the lack of it!!

Well if anyone is actually reading the tripe that goes through my mind, then i would like to say that i have not been able to update my thoughts on to the virtual world lately. the reason for this is me being busywith my placements and also the Economics Convention.

So be at peace for a few days, but then i will be back with my thoughts, forcing you to read them.


Unknown said...

waiting for it!

Anonymous said...

kya boss.....
shud atleast inform people if u start a new blog yaar...i must say u have some reaL thought provoking entries...

anyways gotta hit the sack now....
do drop by my msn space sometime ( )
.....though the entries arent as good as yours i have put up some of my poems i wrote sometime back...

Unknown said...