Thursday 29 April, 2010


I have lost it!

I have completely and utterly lost the will to blog! Actually I am wrong. I have not yet lost the will to blog, otherwise I would not really be writing this right now. It is funny I said writing when I meant typing! Don't we do a lot of it? We say write a text message when we mean type, we say mail it when we mean e-mail it and many more such blasphemys' we commit!

Coming back to the point, I do not think I have lost the will to blog. Quite the contrary actually. I badly want to blog! Really badly! But somehow I have nothing in my mind that I can pen down (there I go again!). I have always wanted to write (yes, we will let it go now) about economics. I adore it! But it requires a certain frame of mind to make something meaningful enough. I do not have that frame right now. I want to write about ads and advertising, but the sheer disdainful quality of advertisements is absolutely mind numbing! 

Well, basically I do not have much to write about. And this is where the title of this post comes in. I do not expect actual people actually commenting and giving me ideas or suggestions, but I thought I should give it a shot anyway! Say what?

Posted via email from Aditya's Blog

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